Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spring Break

I’m now watching Aston Villa vs. Wolverhampton on ESPN2 in HD. I must say that it is a beautiful picture, but not yet a beautiful game. Both teams need to bring the ball down and look for open spaces to pass; there are too many balls in the air. It is the first time I have turned on the TV since Sunday. I didn’t turn it on at all during the week, and I’m very pleased of that. It was a productive week without the distraction; I came home each night to read and grade, usually grading first and reading before I head to bed. I think I’m going to continue to try to temper my TV watching, limiting it to Tuesday nights of Lost and Thursday nights of Community, The Office, and 30 Rock. That would leave Monday, Wednesday, and Friday open for grading and reading and writing. I would love that.

I’m leaving on Monday to head to Washington DC to see Brandon and then go to the Spring Meeting for the NWP. I don’t think I’m going to be very helpful at all at the Spring Meeting, but I’m going. I plan to write an apology letter to Keri about what I haven’t done to help or prepare with that meeting. In most situations, and I could even argue all situations, I need to have a detailed description of goals and an understanding of how to achieve that in order for me to be successful. I don’t feel like I have a full understanding of the goal for this Spring Meeting, and thus I don’t understand how to achieve it. For that reason, I flounder, and am more of a distraction than a help. I hope that is not the case, but I do believe it is true.

Spring Break is here and the fourth quarter is upon us. It seems like this 3rd quarter has absolutely flown by, maybe because of soccer or the OWP. It has definitely been the best quarter we’ve had so far; the students are maturing and developing and becoming more independent in their learning by taking initiative in helping and challenging one another.

As I sit in my living room, with the big blinds open and looking out at the wet pavement and glistening grass, I can’t wait for Spring and Summer weather to really get here. I hope it isn’t too wet, but the rain is necessary for growth. The big problem is that it disrupts our Soccer schedule. The temperature is currently 34 degrees with a Winter Storm Warning in effect through the weekend. That’s not very Spring-ish. I really want to get a Bar-BQ pit and build some horse shoe pits and maybe even get a fire pit, all in the back yard, so that I can have people over and we can hang out, or at least I can enjoy the wonderful weather during the Spring and Summer. I would love to cook and eat and read and relax outside during the summer knowing that I’ve got my own space. This is one of top reasons why I’m hopeful about having the house now. Maybe I am buying into the selfish aspect of not wanting to share space, but really I would be all for sharing the space with many of my friends and even neighbors, as the weather gets nice. I want to have the Life Group over, and have the OWP people over, and have school friends over, and even meet the neighbors down the street and have them over to enjoy some good food and hang out. I don’t just want the space to myself all the time; there will be times when I want it for myself, but I would welcome having people over to share the space and to enjoy the time and weather and company.

I look forward to using some podcasting tools this morning at the Tech Team meeting, and for that reason I am now off to prepare. By they way, the game has turned around. Wolves now lead 2-1, and the football is getting to be challenging and more technical. Until next time.

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