A b o u t M e

About Me:
My name is Thomas Maerke. 

As an English teacher, I railed against flat, one-dimensional characters in literature. They're necessary for brevity in story-telling, but when it comes to our own lives, lived out in reality, presenting ourselves as flat or one-dimensional seems like less. And I don't want less. I want more. So, I have come to say, "I am more than the sum of my parts." I hope I don't come across as one-dimensional, but if I do, please know there is a lot more available. I'll give you the same benefit.

Here are some of my parts: 
family = husband, father, son, brother, uncle, cousin
faith = Christian
job = educator
interests = soccer, reading, getting things done

Those parts, and many more, mixed and mashed up, make me who I am. Honestly, I think that's what I'm working out here on this blog: the mixed and mashed and more part.

If you have questions, just ask. You can email me at thomasmaerke@gmail.com.

Because I have to: this blog is my own. Obviously, when I'm quoting others, I will provide the best attribution I can. Everything else is me. The ideas expressed here do not represent those of my employer or anyone else. The ideas expressed here represent my thinking and mood at the time of the post. I could change my mind though, so don't be surprised if I contradict myself. 

I cannot claim responsibility for content outside of this website that would be accessed through links. Further, I cannot ensure where outside websites choose to link to. 

If you notice something questionable or offensive (advertisements, links to inappropriate websites, inappropriate language or images) please contact me using the email address above.

Creative Commons License
Mundane Brain by Thomas Maerke is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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