Monday, September 6, 2010


I sat through church, and a sermon on Bitterness from Ephesians 4:31-32, and thought to myself, "I'm really not the type of person who is bitter about anything." And part of me was quite doubtful of that statement. Why would I not be a bitter person? Am I really not bitter? I kept trying to think of things about which I might be bitter. I'm not even bitter at Matt Clopine, who I once got in a fight with and who broke my nose in that fight. I may be bitter against the United States Postal Service for losing a bunch of my books and shoes and work for my Masters degree, but now that I wrote something completely different and have finished my Masters, I'm pretty sure I'm over it. I'm pretty sure I'm not even bitter against the people at KSPR Weather for trying to get my fired because I didn't like how they kept cutting in to the World Cup Final; that's more embarrassing for me than anything--more of a reminder of my stupidity. So, am I really not bitter?

Soon after church I found myself in my car, attempting to drive somewhere. It doesn't take long for me to be completely set off because of bad driving. And that's when I realized it. I'm bitter against stupid drivers. I hate it when people drive with no intentionality. It's like people in the midwest really are just out for a drive. They have no where to go, but they drive around for the fun of it. They don't care about the environment. They don't care about oil consumption. They don't even care about the other drivers on the road who actually may have somewhere to go. It's maddening. It's enough to make someone bitter.

1 comment :

  1. after my reeeediculous defensive driving course (which ended up being a very pleasant experience) I can say that I have thought at stop signs a little more like you than me! No rolling for me now.

    I like Sara Groves when she talks about bitterness as roots that grow...
