Sunday, September 12, 2010


I just want to go on the record and say that of all the stuff I expected from the future, and particularly the 21st Century (moon boots, flying cars, even bigger and cooler hair, clothes that clean themselves), I really really really want smaller, faster, healthier meals.

Yesterday I kept forgetting that I was either making food or supposed to be eating the food. This meant that I had to continually reheat and reheat. Today I’m taking the easy route and just doing the microwave thing, but I keep having to get up from my desk to fiddle with some meal as it spins in that radioactive box we somehow believe makes our life better by making our food hotter faster. Truly, eating is a distraction for me. I enjoy getting to do it when I’m with friends. It can be a good experience when the food is good, but most of the time my life is interrupted by the need to eat. And I don’t like that.

Yesterday I kept having to stop cleaning or writing to eat. Today I’m continually stopping my writing to eat. And now I’ve stopped my regularly scheduled writing to write this, about how much eating frustrates me sometimes. How is it possible that something my body absolutely needs has become an aggravation?

1 comment :

  1. Funny this post is on eating. So I called today because I was going to drop off some delicious pulled pork and scalloped potatoes we had catered for our family reunion. I had about a week's worth of lunches if you wanted it! But, Keri and Aaron answered their they got dinner and lunch.
