Saturday, January 16, 2010

from Wednesday morning

When I normally read during my devotions, I wrote on Wednesday. This is what I wrote:

I do believe a renewed drive is present within me now, and possibly three: (1) study Biblical languages, going back to school so that I could get a job at university level; (2) help grow and stabilize the OWP; (3) finish my masters degree. Were I to rank them by desire, this is how they would fall, with my desire to study Biblical languages far beyond that of completing my masters. In reality though, I need to work and complete #3 first, as I word weekly on #2 and investigate and plan for #1.

I must renew my move for teaching by grounding myself in what got me into it in the first place - impacting students' lives. I need to back off building up my PLN and myself on twitter, through blogs, and across nings. I need to ease my pursuit of research, research, research and start digging with that same intensity into my students' needs. I need to participate in the community of friends that still exists for me here in Springfield, and I need to work harder to build community in my own classroom.

The 2009-2010 year hasn't gone great, and I've had a lot to do with that. Now is the time to start making necessary changes for the better - not only for my students, but also for me.

I need to be intentional, so here goes: I ask for wisdom, the necessary knowledge, patience in all situations, and hope each new day. Help me to see the potential in each day, in each student, and in me personally. Do not send me up from here if you do not go with me.

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