Thursday, August 19, 2010

the big "C" or one of the scariest things I can think of

Cancer. Saying it's scary is obviously an understatement.

On Monday night, Drew's dad died from an inoperable brain tumor. I found out yesterday, during a lavish dinner with wonderful people, as we shared our thoughts, our histories, and our plans for the future.

It's hard for Drew to have plans for his future. He actually quit his job. He was tired of it. I wonder how his father might think of planning for the future.

Today I sat next to Rhonda. She's already battled breast cancer. Last summer (if my timeline is correct) she found out she had a brain tumor. They operated on her to cut it out, but, as far as I know, they also put her through radiation. Late in July of this summer she found out that pieces of the older tumor probably remained, and are now growing. One doctor has told her to wait for 3 months--then they can decide if they operate or do radiation treatment. Another doctor wants to laster cut that sucker out and be done with it. Both of those scenarios scare me. Rhonda's having a hard time planning for school. She doesn't even know if she should be planning her life, and yet she goes on.

God bless Drew and his family. God bless Rhonda and her family.

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